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Our students can apply for memberships / qualifications of many international professional bodies. Membership requirements for each association vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume en each occasion. SAU can not guarantee membership in all instances. SAU does not intermediate in these procedures. SAU provides this list of available memberships and professional references from each faculty.

• Institute for Supply Management USA www.ism.ws

• World Certified Professional www.worldcertification.org

• The International E-Learning Association (IELA)http://www.ielassoc.orgI

• SPI - International Society for Performance Improvement www.ISPI.org

Further listings 


AIADS - Association of Independent Art & Design Schools

AIDA - International Association of Law and Art

ASA - American Sociological Association

BSA - British Sociological Association

EAA - European Association of Archaeologists

FAA - Fine Arts Association

HU - Humanities Association

IAACT - International Association for Art, Creativity & Therapy

IACA - International Association for Classical Archaeology

IAE - International Association of Educators

IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research

IAPL - International Association for Philosophy and Literature

IASS - International Association for Semiotic Studies

IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English

ILA - International Law Association

IPA - International Psychohistorical Association

IPSA - International Political Science Association

ISA - International Sociological Association

ISPA - International Society for the Performing Arts

JEA - Journalism Education Association

MHRA - Modern Humanities Research Association

NAPA - National Association for the Practice of Anthropology

PSA - Philosophy of Science Association

RRA - Religious Research Association

SPJ - Society of Professional Journalists

WHA - World History Association


   ABE - Association of Business Executives 
   BMA - Business Management Association 
   BMA - Business Marketing Association 
   CMA - Communications Marketing Association 
   EBEA - Economics & Business Education Association 
   FMAI - Financial Management Association International 
   IAA - International Advertising Association 
   IACMP - International Association of Career Management Professionals 
   IAOM - International Association of Management 
   ICA - International Communication Association 
   ICC - International Chamber of Commerce 
   IEA - International Economic Association 
   IHRA - International Hotel & Restaurant Association 
   IHRIM - International Association for Human Resources Management 
   INTECA - International E-commerce Association 
   IPMA - International Project Management Association 
   ITMA - Information Technology Management Association 
   SABE - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics 
   TTRA - Travel & Tourism Research Association 
   WFPH - World Federation of Public Health  


    AADP - American Association of Drugless Practitioners 
   AAIM - American Association of Integrative Medicine 
   AAMA - American Alternative Medical Association 
   AANP - American Association of Naturopathic Physicians 
   AAOM - American Association of Oriental Medicine 
   AHHA - American Holistic Health Association 
   AIM - Association for Integrative Medicine 
   AMEHB - AsociaciónMédica Española de Homeopatía y Bioterapia 
   ANMA - American Naturopathic Medical Association 
   APNT - Association of Physical and Natural Therapists 
   ASAT - American Society of Alternative Therapists 
   BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association 
   CAMA - Complementary Alternative Medical Association 
   COFENAT - Confederación Española de TerapiasNaturales y no Convencionales 
   CPT - ConsejoProfesional de Terapeutas 
   HeSCA - Health Sciences Communications Association 
   HS - Herb Society 
   IAHP - International Association of Healthcare Practitioners 
   IONC - International Organization of Nutritional Consultants 
   IPTI - Independent Professional Therapists International 
   NAHA - National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy 
   NANP - National Association of Nutritional Practitioners 
   NCCAM - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
   OMMA - Organización Mundial de MedicinasAlternativas


    AHP - Association for Humanistic Psychology 
   AIP - Association of Independent Psychotherapist 
   APS - Association for Psychological Science 
   ASSC - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 
   ATP - Association for Transpersonal Psychology 
   BACP - British Association for Counselling& Psychotherapy 
   CNS - Cognitive Neuroscience Society 
   EAIP - European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy 
   EAP - The European Association for Psychotherapy 
   EATA - European Association of Transactional Analysis 
   EHPS - European Health Psychology Society 
   ETPA - European Transpersonal Psychology Association 
   FEAP - Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Psicoterapeutas 
   FIP - Forum of Independent Psychotherapists 
   IAACT - International Association for Art, Creativity & Therapy 
   IAAP - International Association of Applied Psychology 
   IAC - International Association of Coaching 
   IACP - International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy 
   IACT - International Association of Counselors & Therapist 
   ICA - International Criminologists Association 
   ICP - International Council of Psychologists 
   ISHPR - International Society of Health Psychology Research 
   IUPS - International Union of Psychological Science 
   NACHP - National Association of Counsellors, Hypnoterapists and Psychotherapists 
   SCEH - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 
   SIOP - Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology 
   SPR - Society for Psychical Research 
   SPR - Society for Psychophysiological Research 
   UKCP - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy


   AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science 
   AAB - Association of Applied Biologist 
   AEC - Asociación Española de Científicos 
   AFOS - Association for the Foundations of Science, Language and Cognition 
   AIARD - Association for International Agriculture & Rural Development 
   AMSI - Association of Marine Scientific Industries 
   EASST - European Association of Science & Technology 
   ERSA - European Regional Science Association 
   EUROSCIENCE - European Association for the Promotion of Science & Technology 
   IABO - International Association for Biological Oceanography 
   IAMP - International Association of Mathematical Physics 
   IAPAL - International Association of Programs for Agricultural Leadership 
   IAPS - International Association for People Environment Studies 
   IAU - International Astronomical Union 
   ICSU - International Council for Science 
   INTECOL - International Association for Ecology 
   IUPAC - International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry 
   MA - Mathematical Association


     AAAI - Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 
   AACTE - Asociaciónpara el Avance de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en España 
   AAEE - Australasian Association for Engineering Education 
   AECT - Association for Educational Communications and Technology 
   APINGOI - AsociaciónProfesional de Ingenieros de Organización Industrial 
   ASEE - American Society for Engineering Education 
   ASIBEI - AsociaciónIberoamericana de Instituciones de la  Enseñanza de la Ingeniería 
   BCS - British Computer Society 
   CNPA - Computer Network Professionals Association 
   EAIEEIE - European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering 
   EASST - European Association of Software Science & Technology 
   EATCS - European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 
   ENGC - Engineering Council (UK) 
   ESW - Engineers for a Sustainable World 
   IAARC - International Association for Automation & Robotics 
   IACEE - International Association for Continuing Engineering Education 
   IACES - International Association of Civil Engineering Students 
   IACIS - International Association for Computer & Information Science 
   IACIS - International Association for Computer Information Systems 
   IAENG - International Association of Engineers 
   IAITAM - International Association of Information Technology Managers 
   IAMOT - International Association for Management of Technology 
   IAN - International Association of Nanotechnology 
   IASA - International Association of Software Architects 
   IASTED - International Association of Science and Technology for Development 
   ICA - International Computer Association 
   ICE - Internet Civil Engineers Network 
   IEA - International Ergonomics Association 
   IEE - Institution of Electrical Engineers 
   IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 
   IEICE - The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 
   IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology 
   IFEES -  International Federation of Engineering Education Societies 
   IGIP - International Society for Engineering Education 
   IIE - Institute of Industrial Engineers 
   INTA - International Urban Development Association 
   INTECA - International E-commerce Association 
   ITMA - Information Technology Management Association 
   LACCEI - Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions 
   SEFI - SocietéEuropéene pour la Formation des Enginieurs 
   SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers