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An education in Arts and Humanities is still the last best chance for people in our society to discover the life of the mind as an active challenge and a rich historical legacy, as well as a chance to develop a personal sense of one's own greatest mental capacity.

Welcome to the Website!

Whether you're a prospective student interested in learning about our facilities, a sophomore wondering about majoring in art, an alum curious to see how things are going, or simply an interested cruiser, we hope you'll find what you want to know and even learn a bit more. My colleagues on the faculty and our amazing support staff work hard at making the studying and making of humanities a truly unique experience. I hope our Web site conveys to you some of the passion we put into our work.

The School of Humanities covers a wide range of subjects from language and literature - classical and modern - to history, philosophy, theology, religious studies and the creative arts. Even though the term "humanities" is comparatively modern, the humanities have their origins in the classical world and in the seven liberal arts of the medieval universities.

Our courses are offered in Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.
Academic departments and programs.

American Studies:-

The Department of American Studies offers versatile and diverse academic programs for the study of the cultures, societies and arts of the United States and the Americas at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Established as an independent Department in 2004, American Studies in fact draws upon a long tradition of the teaching of American culture and literature We offer several undergraduate degrees, an MA in American Studies and a wide range of research supervision at the MPhil and PhD levels.

English Language & Literature:-

The English Language Centre offers a range of academic English language courses, in addition to more specialised courses. We also offer bespoke courses for a variety of public and private sector organisations, along with a team of highly experienced teaching and administrative staff, all of whom understand the problems and anxieties international students face when studying English.

European Studies:-

European Studies began in 1997 and has earned an excellent reputation as a challenging and dynamic program. It is an interdisciplinary degree which combines a focus on the politics, history and institutions of Europe as a whole with an in depth study of the politics, society, language and culture of a major European country ( France , Spain or Germany ). One of the program's biggest strengths is its diverse and cosmopolitan student population.

History :-

The History Department is the oldest department in the School. It has always been a small department with a thriving postgraduate community engaged in work for MA and PhD degrees. We research and teach the whole of British and European history from ancient Greece to the post-war world.