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Vision Statement :-The South Asia University Alumni Association is a dynamic organization that is the representative voice for all graduates working in partnership with the University to realize its mission. Our global commitment is to enhance the growth of the University by providing a wide range of resources and opportunities. The Alumni Association fosters a legacy for all future generations of South Asia University students.

We are also starting Alumni chapters in different cities around the world, please contact us at the details mentioned above.

Meeting Dates, Minutes, Agenda

A Board meetings are open to all alumni.  If you want to get involved, this is the place to start!  Hope to see you there!

Alumni—Fast Facts

If you are like most alumni, you came to South Asia University only for the excellent education and the unmatched reputation. But more than that you came here because you knew it was the place where you could build your future and you would receive an empowering education that would change your life.

It is for those same reasons that most SAU alumni remain active at the University.

Did you know that as an alumnus of SAU you:

Can have temporary access to the university computer network as long as you acquire a new login and password (yours free for the asking - contact the Help Desk at: helpdesk@sauniv.ac

Can use the Career Center to attend workshops, have letters of reference kept on file for five years, have career testing, access job postings.

• Can use your alumni ID card to check-out books from the library.

• Can sign a card to waive the application fee to a student applying for undergraduate admission.

• Can continue to come to the free campus athletic events.

• Can join the on-line alumni discussion group (just send an email and we'll send you your ID and password).

• Can attend programs and earn continuing education units.

• Can request an official copy of your transcript from the Office of the Registrar (nominal fee for this)•Will have many social and networking opportunities: reunion, summer beach bash, bus trips etc.

• Will have many volunteer opportunities to give back to your alma mater: orientation, commencement, admissions events, career mentoring and presentationsWith all these benefits, why not become involved in the Alumni Association. As an alumnus, you can remain active in a number of ways:

• Act as career mentor. Participate in all social events.

• Use the department as a source even after graduation. Ensure your legacy continues through financial support.

• Perpetuate the experience you had by sending students you know to SAU.

• Support campus activities, which in turn will enrich your life.

• Take advantage of opportunities to participate in various advisory boards and councils.

• Give your input to initiatives such as the visioning process.

• Additionally, supporting the Annual Fund is your opportunity to make a difference and help others. Unrestricted gifts from the Annual Fund are vital to South Asia University 's ongoing strength. Your gift may buy books for the library, computers or help maintain our academic research. The Annual Fund also supports our scholarship fund and co curricular activities.

For more information contact :-If you require further information or have had any recent changes to your contact information or have news for inclusion in the magazine, please contact: Office of Alumni Affairs alumni@sauniv.ac