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South Asia University’s regular contact with industry, government and international organisations ensures that programs retain direct relevance to the needs of the industry and potential employers. It is noteworthy that we introduce cutting edge academics at real affordable costs


Employers may contact us for sponsoring their employees or nominating their dependents for the courses. They may claim deductions in taxes as per the prevalent laws. Many organisations have benefited from this initiative.The benefits that the company accrues by working proactively in improving employee education rather then being a passive reimburser of expense after the employee incurs the same to upgrade their education level or by sending them to workshops of extremely short-term duration, translates into:

•Higher employee morale and loyalty.

•Lower employee turnover Increased productivity.

For the company’s external CUSTOMERS / VENDORS :-

The company may also present these programs to its customers / vendors which are much appreciated rather than any tangible gift. As on date any gift given by the company to its customers / vendors will be in the form of Special discount / bonus or reimbursement of freight / taxes or White goods, mementos, gold and precious metals etc. Foreign travel etc. or Value addition benefits, Priority delivery etc. In all the above examples the gift is general repetitive, is not of prolonged value and easily replicated by the competitor. When the customer / vendors or his child or somebody dear to him gets a coveted qualification, he thankfully remembers the company for the rest of his life for this positive intervention and also develops his own setup which is of direct interest to the organization.

This also results in :-

• Improved customer loyalty and goodwill.

• Increased sales and market penetration.

This translates into increased revenue and profitability to the organization which far surpasses the investment made and works out to be an excellent ROI.