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SACAMSR is recognised for its dynamism and is proud of the diversity of its students and staff. SACAMSR is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment. Whatever be you ultimate career aim SACAMSR will reinforce your intellectual abilities and provide you with credentials for the next step in your career. What distinguishes SACAMSR is it being a centre where new ideas, sometimes radical ideas are given breathing space. The wide selection of courses available at SACAMSR offers you the chance to benefit from intensive training and to build on the skills and knowledge gained earlier. The courses vary in emphasis – some provide essential training leading to research, while others provide career specific preparation . This leads to applying the combination of knowledge, understanding and skills through which students on returning to professional practice are able to:

• Integrate specialist knowledge, theory and practice into a strategic and dynamic overview of the organisation in its environmental context.

• Handle complex business problems systematically, holistically and with originality, insight and critical reflection.

• Exercise sound judgement and communicate conclusions effectively to a range of audiences.

• Recognise the need for and manage change. Work with and lead teams. Plan and implement projects.

• Make decisions in complex and unpredictable situations and propose and implement appropriate solutions.

• Be self-directed and self-aware. Continue to develop knowledge and skills.


The SACAMSR courses are a distinctive specialist program of post-experience management education that is of the high academic quality, practical value and international standing. Its aim is to develop business leaders with the vision, knowledge, creativity, skills, ethics and entrepreneurial ability necessary to take an integrated, critically aware, dynamic and strategic view of organisations and to play an effective role within them. Students will be encouraged to reflect and build upon their previous experience if any and should integrate this experience with more advanced knowledge, understanding and skills that are central to effective management at middle and senior level. Consequently, students develop knowledge and understanding of:

• Organisations, how they are managed and the diverse contextual forces that impact upon them.

• Markets and customers. Processes and institutions in the production and marketing of goods and services.

• Finance and accounting. Management and development of people within the organisation.

• Uses, strengths, weaknesses and limitations of a range of research methods.

• Development and management of organizational information systems.

• Use of Communication and Information Technology.

• Developing dynamic and stakeholder-focused business policy and strategy.

• Contemporary issues in business and management.