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Fees are charged as under for each module :-

For Certificate level courses : 100 USD
For Diploma Level Courses : 120 USD
For Advance Diploma Level courses : 150 USD
For Post graduate Diploma courses : 160 USD
For Advance Post Graduate Diploma courses : 175 USD
For Associate level courses :  200 USD
For Bachelor level courses : 250 USD
For Master level courses :  300 USD

The following fees and charges are costs that students may incur beyond the basic tuition cost for specific degree programs. Fees are charged when services are rendered.

Application Fee USD 50.00
International Transcripts Evaluation Fee USD 150.00
One time Library Fee    USD 25.00
Master Level Graduation Fee     USD 250.00
Doctoral Level Graduation Fee   USD 500.00
*Maximum Fee  

Optional Fees:     
Additional Transcript Fee    USD 10.00
Change of Program Fee        USD 50.00
Returned Check Fee   USD 25.00

FEES ONCE PAID IS NON-TRANSFERABLE AND IS NON-REFUNDABLE subject to the appropriate regulations of the company.Incase of default of fees payment by the due date the admission will automatically be cancelled.

A. Unless the same is guided by the refund policy. 

B. However, this is not applicable for students in low income and lower middle income economies as listed in www.worldbank.org where the courses are offered to them by company without any tuition fees such that a student base can be built for higher accreditations. Countries listed as Upper middle income countries in the said list will be offered a rebate of 50% of the fees payable.