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Exams are conducted 4 Times a year ( January, April, July, October ) in major cities depending on applications. The institute reserves the right to change or cancel any location. Exams are proctored and essay type (subjective). Students will be evaluated as follows:

• Internal assessment and class work at the partner campus : 20% 
• Dissertation and work report : 20%
• Terminal examination 60%
• Credit transfer is allowed only from a regular statutory university wherethe student has received atleast 60% marks.

Generally minimum of 35% of all students applying for exams fail.We validate the education gained by our students through our academic partnersbased on their performance in the proctored examinations conducted by our associates but confirming to our syllabus and quality standards.All qualifications will only be issued if the student passes our proctored exams. We do not have any policy of passing by prior learning, credit transfer on adult learning etc. 

The Question papers will be only in English. Candidates should secure the passing marks mentioned above in each paper and also the total points in the course. The candidates will be declared successful and are entitled for the certificate only after passing all the papers prescribed for examination. In order to complete the course, they can appear all the Module / Project / Internal Assessment in one attempt or by writing the papers in the Module / Project / Internal Assessment one by one or in groups in as many attempts as it suits them. But incase, they fail in a module they have to pay examination fee of the prescribed amount every time per Module / Project / Internal Assessment in which they have to appear. Applicants can write the arrears in the subsequent attempts.If the candidate is unable to complete the course within 5 years/ 60 months from the date of enrolment, then the same has to be renewed by paying the requisite fees. The enrolment period is extended by 1 additional year for Government servants and their dependants, Women candidates, Handicapped candidates.


There will be an exam after the completion of the trimester. Students failing in the project or any subject of the trimester will be allowed to continue for the next trimester, they will but have to clear the project and the internal paper and all such subjects before the completion of the course. Re exam will be held along with the exam of the regular semester.


At the time of admission, students may be granted exemptions, retained credits or advanced standing for courses in management previously completed as a regular student in another program or similar program. The maximum number of modules that can be granted as exemption, retained credits or advanced standing is 3. No exemption or advanced stand­ing will be granted for courses completed more than five years ago or for which the grade was lower than B (70 per cent).


Students who fail a repeated course or module 3 TIMES must withdraw from the program. Students receiving a grade below 40 percent must repeat the failed course.


Students wishing to request a review of any marked assignments returned while the course is in progress must do so within one week of receipt of the marked assignment. Students wishing to request a review of final examinations and term work returned after the end of a course must do so within one week following the posting of grades. The request must be made in writing with the fees. The Examinations Directorate will inform the student of the decision which will be final and binding on the student. No disclosure, appeal or show of papers is permissible.


Students who are detected to indulge in any unfair means during the exams will be expelled from the institute. Such students will not be able to seek readmission to any of the courses conducted by the institute. The decision of the Director Examinations will be final and binding on all students in this regard.