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South Asia University welcomes able research students, suitably qualified and interested in pursuing research in different areas of academic specialisation towards a research degree. A range of disciplines are included in the Departments. Work for research degrees is taxing for even the most talented. To facilitate a supportive and stimulating environment for our research students, the student is required to undertake research in the industry and discipline he is currently working. Students are encouraged to participate in the regular research and special graduate seminars. Research students are also normally expected to be familiar with relevant parts of the Postgraduate programs. 


Applicants are expected to hold a post graduate in relevant discipline. Although the same will be waived for students with work experience but for these students at least an upper second class honours graduate degree in the relevant subject is essential.Every candidate for an DBA / PhD / MRes. / MPhil is required by our Regulations to present a major thesis, before they can be considered for award of the degree. Nevertheless, it is best to seek detailed guidance from your supervisor as some of the material and information included here might not be applicable to the dissertation you need to prepare for your particular course. You will have to arrange for your own supervisor and the Institute will not provide any assistance for the same.


Registration depends upon a reasonably detailed research proposal. The proposal is considered by the concerned department which decides whether to register the student and the programme of study for a specific degree path and notifies SOUTH ASIA UNIVERSITY accordingly. To achieve registration, the proposal needs to:

• Demonstrate a clear aim.

• Indicate the research question or the research field to be questioned.

• Identify and discuss the approaches or methods to be undertaken.

• Situate the proposal in relation to established knowledge.

• Explain clearly why the proposal is original and likely to lead to new understanding.

• Have adequate supervisory support.

Progression assessment :-The assessment has two components.

• A research paper submitted by the student.

• A Viva examinationThe student will submit a paper of between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length drawn from their research to date. It should contain some reflection on the research process and the methods currently being employed. The paper must be appropriately referenced. The assessment panel may ask the student to present the paper orally as well as in writing. The Viva will allow the assessment panel to discuss the work with the student and any possibilities and issues that arise from it. Typically, the panel will want to question the student on.

• Aims of the research. Background to the research. Context of the research within established knowledge.

• Methods being used. Time scale for the remaining stages of the work . Likely date of submission.

• Available literature.

•In particular, the student will be expected to be able to discuss their work critically with the panel.


South Asia University is one of the few universities all over the world to launch the 'new route' programs, specifically for international students. The New Route DBA is a doctoral program, typically lasting 3-4 years, for all students. It includes at least one year of structured research and subject training. Training is concentrated in Year 1, but continues into Years 2. You could regard it as 1-2 years of training in research methods followed by 2 years of supervised research. We know that many sponsors prefer students to have a thorough grounding in research methods and to improve their subject knowledge before concentrating on their research thesis - the New Route DBA offers exactly that. This is a pilot scheme and the Management School , along with the other Departments have joined the project. This reflects our commitment to the development of program particularly suitable for the needs of International students. the student will have to arrange for their own thesis supervisor.

The Distinctive Features Of The New Route DBA :-

The New Route DBA lays more emphasis than is usual on structured research and subject training (which are formally assessed). Interim qualifications are offered to students who decide to leave before completing the full DBA. These interim qualifications are the MPhil. Normally we expect students to take at least 3-4 years to complete all phases of the DBA. This makes it especially suitable for new graduates and for those who are not yet sure of their exact research topic.

The Training program :- In Year 1, students need to indicate which discipline area they are interested in and also undergo the MPhil in Management. This then determines which particular subject-based route they follow. This course is a taught Masters course typically lasting one year. The program combines concentrated study of the subject with the development of research methods skills. The subject-based Masters degree is enhanced by the addition of assessed modules in:

• Management research methods and issues

• Research skills

• Quantitative or qualitative methods (depending on the students' background) and unassessed modules in

• Searching for information

• Intellectual property and copyright regulations

Assessment :- The idea behind the New Route DBA is that students take the MPhil program in Year 1 and 2, and in that year begin developing their doctoral research proposal. Later your thesis design is developed, including a literature review and a research methodology analysis. This is formally assessed as part of the MPhil.

Proceeding to the DBA :- If progress on your research is good, then there is no reason why you should not proceed through the Year 2 and move on to Years 3 to gain your DBA degree. The program should be completed within 6 years from the date of registration.

Duration of the DBA :- Depending on your background, we normally expect you to take at least 3 years to complete the full program, including the MPhil year.