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Virtual colleges and universities are great ways to earn degrees in a non-traditional setting. Now, with the help of modern technology, you can take classes and earn a degree from virtually anywhere in the world. It’s important, however, that along with the convenience that these schools offer, they also offer accreditation.

It’s extremely important that you choose an accredited school when you are enrolling in an online degree program. There are many dangers associated with obtaining an online college degree from a school that doesn’t have accreditation and these dangers can include not being able to get a job upon completion of the program or not being able to receive financial aid to finance your education.

Accreditation from a government body in your country is important because it ensures that the education that you are receiving from your online degree program is at the highest level of quality and that it will prepare you for future employment. You want to be able to receive not only a diploma also get the knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform any job well and an accredited school has shown that they are able to provide their students with these skills.

While the government employs accreditation organizations to maintain the nation's colleges and universities’ standards, the organizations are not affiliated with the government itself. Instead, they review higher education institutions to help them maintain their quality, standards, and overall educational efforts.

A school that holds accreditation can show students and potential employers that their online degree program has been assessed and meets certain standards that are accepted as being of high quality. This helps ensures both students and employers that the education that they are providing is good.

You definitely don’t want to spend a lot of money receiving an education, only to find upon graduation that due to your school’s lack of accreditation you cannot find employment. You might automatically assume that your school is already accredited within the field that you want to work in, but this is not always so. For that reason, it’s important to do your research before you apply.