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Did you ever stop to think that the social sciences have something to say about almost everything you do in your daily life? Anthropologists have studied how elites and intellectuals set the pace for technological advances from the printing press to high speed computers. How much do you pay in taxes? Economists study the effects of different tax rates and structures on governments' abilities to provide services. Does it matter which kind of voting machine is used when you go into the voting booth? Political scientists examine how new electronic voting machines affect election outcomes and the reporting of those outcomes.

It provides the institutional framework within which participating Disciplines provide taught MA, MSc and Postgraduate Diploma programs, and also supervise research students. The school co-ordinates and provides research training and administers a host of taught programmes offered by its constituent Disciplines. These provide an exceptionally wide range of academic, professional and vocational areas of study.

The School of Social Sciences has opened its doors to Ph.D. students in October, 1998. Highly motivated students from around the world are invited to apply. The school is designed to provide closely supervised graduate education and research training in quantitative and qualitative methods to a small number of highly qualified Ph.D. students.

Thematic Fields :-

Grounded in a focused social science curriculum and a joint research program, students can complete their dissertations in three years. Research and teaching are anchored in its research program, built around the following themes:

• transnational relations and political theory

• the modern welfare state

l• social change and the life course

While a specialized curriculum is dedicated to each of these research fields, the school encourages students to combine at least two fields in their individual work. Applicants should demonstrate special interest in at least one osf the three focus areas of the school and possess an excellent academic record and references.