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The University has set a minimum standard of High School Certificates/G.E.D requirements from each country. To view the High School Certificates/G.E.D requirement from your country, Please click on the below letter that corresponds to the first letter of your country’s name.Please e-mail the University at  info@sauniv.ac if your country is not listed.

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· Baccalauria with minimum average of 65%.
· Dлftesл Pjekurie (Certificate of Maturity) with minimum average of 6 or “shtatл”
· Bachillerato with minimum average of 5 (scale of 1-10)
· Victoria - Certificate of Education with “B” or 70%
· Western Australia - Certificate of Secondary Education with “B”
· Australian Capital Territory - Year 12 Certificate with minimum “B” or “High Achievement”
· New South Wales - Higher School Certificate
· Northern Territory - Senior Secondary Studies Certificate with “B” or 14
· Queensland - Senior Certificate with “High Achievement"
· South Australia- Certificate of Education with minimum “B”, “High” or 14
· Tasmania - Certificate of Education with “H”
· Reifeprьfungsezeugnis (Maturity Examination Certificate) with minimum 3 or “Befreidigend” (Satisfactory)

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· High school transcript with minimum average of 70%; BGCSEs with minimum grades of “C”
· Shahaadat itmaam al-diraasa al-thaanawiya al-aamma (Secondary School Certificate) and tawjihi exam results with minimum average of 70% or “Very Good”
· Higher Secondary Certificate with minimum Second Division or 50% (First Division or 60% in required courses Barbados
· CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
· Atestat ab agul’naj sjarednjaj adukatsyl (Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education) with minimum 4 (scale of 2-5) or “Dobra” (Good)
· Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superior/Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair/AbschluЯzeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (Certificate of Higher Secondary Education) with minimum 11

· CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
· Baccalaurйat with minimum 10 (scale of 1-20)
· IB Diploma - minimum overall score of 15 ; American Curriculum - minimum “c”
· Bachiller en Humanidades (Bachelor in the Humanities) with minimum grade of “5” (scale of 1-7) or “Bueno” (Good)
· Cambridge Overseas School Certificate with grades of “5” or better
· Certificado de Conclusгo de Segundo Grau (Secondary Education Conclusion Certificate) with minimum 5.0 (scale of 0-10)
Brunei Darussalam
· At least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better, or Matriculation Examination results
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Secondary Education) with minimum grade of 3 (scale of 2-6)
Burkina Faso
· Diplome de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Bachelor of Secondary Education) with minimum 14 (scale of 0-20)
· Diplome des Humanitйs Complиtes with min 70% or “grande distinction” required

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· Secondary Anglophone - at least two GCE A Levels with minimum grades of “C”
· Secondary Francophone - Baccalaurйat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) with minimum average of 10 (scale of 0 – 20)
· High School Diploma or GED. SAT or ACT may be submitted in lieu to GED. However, completion of high school is a condition for acceptance of either SAT or ACT test.
Central Africa Republic
· Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Secondary School Bachelor) with minimum 10 (scale of 0 – 20)
· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) with minimum 10 (scale of 0 – 20)
· Licencia de Educaciуn Media (License of Middle Education) with minimum 5 required (scale of 0 – 7)
· Senior/Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate with minimum average of 70%
· Bachiller (Bachelor) minimum average of 5 required (scale of 0 – 10)
· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) with minimum 14 (scale of 0 – 20)
Costa Rica
· Diploma de conclusiуn de estudios de educaciуn diversificada (Certificate of conclusion of diversified education studies) or Bachillerato (Bachelor) with 70/100, 7/10

Cote d'Ivoire
· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) / Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Bachelor of Secondary Education) with 10 (scale of 0 - 20)
· Secondary School Leaving Diploma with minimum 3/5 or “Dobar” (“Good”)
Bachiller/Bachillerato (Bachelor/Baccalaureate) or Diploma de Graduado Pre-Universitario (Pre-University Graduate Diploma) with minimum 70%
Cyprus- South (Greek-Cypriot)
· Apolyterion (Certificate of Completion – Upper Secondary School) with minimum 11/20
Cyprus- North (Turkish-Cypriot)
· Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma) with minimum 7/10
Czech Republic
· Vysvedcenн o Maturitni Zkouљce (Certificate or Maturity Examination) with minimum 2/5 or “Chvalitebnэ” (Very Good)

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· Studentereksamen (Student Examination); Hшjere Forberedelseseksamen or “HK” (Higher Preparatory Examination); Hшjere handelseksamen or “HHK” (Higher Commercial Examination); or Hшjere teknisk eksamen or “HTX” (Higher Technical Examination) with minimum 6.5/13
Dominican Republic
· Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras (Bachelor in Sciences and Letters)

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· Bachillerato (Baccalaureate) with minimum 6/10
· Thaanawiya (Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education) with minimum 70%
El Salvador
· Bachiller (Bachelor) with minimum 5/10
· School Leaving Certificate with minimum 70%
· Secondary School Certificate with minimum 3/5
· Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination (ESLCE) with minimum B or 70%

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· Form 7 Examination with minimum 70%
· Ylioppilastutkintotodistus / Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination Certificate) with minimum 7/10
· Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education); Diplфme de Bachelier de Technicien (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Technician), depending on course complement; or Baccalaurйat Professionel (Vocational Baccalaureate), depending upon course complement, with minimum grades of 10/20

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· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) or Baccalaurйat Technique (Technical Baccalaureate), depending on course complement, with minimum grades of 10/20
The Gambia
· WAEC Senior Secondary results, or GCE O level, or GCSE of SAEB, or NECO with at least five grades of C5 or better.
· Sashualo ganatlebis atestati (Certificate of Completion) with minimum grades of 3/5
· Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Certificate of General University Maturity) / Abitur examination with grades of 3 or lower (scale of 6-1) on Certificate and 8 or better (scale of 0-15) on Abitur
· WAEC Senior Secondary results, or GCE O level, or GCSE of SAEB, or NECO with at least five grades of C5 or better.

· Apolyterio (Certificate of Completion – upper secondary school) with minimum grades of 10/20
· CXCs with minimum grades of 3 (scale of 1-6)
· Bachiller en Ciencas y Letras (Bachelor in Science and Letters) with minimum 70%
· CXCs with minimum grades of 3 (scale of 1-6)

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· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) or Diplфme d’Enseignement Secondaire (Diploma of Secondary Instruction) with minimum 70%

· Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras (Bachelor in Sciences and Letters) or Bachillerato (Baccalaureate) with minimum 70%
Hong Kong
· At least two A levels with grades of C or better

· Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Secondary School Maturity Certificate) with minimum grades of 3/5

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· Studentsprof (Matriculation Examination) with minimum 5/10
· Higher Secondary Certificate with min Second Class / Division ranking and minimum 50%
· Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar Sekolah Menegah Unum (Certificate of Completion of Upper Secondary School) with minimum grades of 5/10
· Pre-University Year with minimum grades of 10/20
· Baccalaureate with minimum grades of 70%
· Leaving Certificate with at least two higher level grades of C or better
· Teudat Bagrut with 7/10 or 70%
· Diploma dell' Esame di Stato conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore with minimum grades of 7/10  

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· Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Diploma of Graduation) with minimum grades of 3 (scale of 1-5)
· Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) with minimum 60%

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· Atestat o Srednem Obrazovanii or Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) with minimum grades of 3/5
· Minimum “B” average on Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams

Korea (South)
· Immungye Kodung Hakkyo Choeupchang (Academic Upper Secondary School Certificate) with “C” average or 70%
· Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A’ama (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with minimum 60%

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· Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with minimum 6/10
· Baccalaurйat II with minimum grades of 10/20
· Five courses including with minimum grades of 4.5 (scale of 9 – 1)

· WAEC Senior Secondary results, or GCE O level, or GCSE of SAEB, or NECO with at least five grades of credits or better.
· Matura (Maturity Certificate)
· Maturity Certificate

Luxembourg: Diplфme de Maturitй or Diplфme de Fin d’Йtudes Secondaire

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· Svidetelstvo za Zavreno Sredno Obrazovanie (Certificate of Completion or Secondary Education) with minimum 60% or 6/10
· Baccalaurйat de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй with minimum10/20
· Malawi Certificate of Education with at least five grades of 4.5 or better (scale of 9 – 1)
· Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with 60%
· Baccalaurйat Malien with minimum10/20
· Matriculation Certificate or at least two A levels at grade “C” or better
· Baccalaurйat de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй with minimum10/20
· GCE with at least two A levels at grade C or better or French Baccalaurйat with minimum 10/20
· Bachillerato
· Diploma de Baccalaureat (Diploma of Baccalaureate) or Atestat de Studii Medii (Certificate of Secondary Studies) with minimum 5/10
· Certificate of Complete Secondary Education with excellent grades or one year of study from a recognized university
· CXC grades of 3 or better or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better
· Baccalaurйat de l’Enseignement Secondaire with minimum 10/20
· Certificado de Habilitaзгo es Literarias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with minimum 10/20
· One year of study from a recognized university with minimum 60%
· GCE results with at least two A levels at grades of “C” or better or one year of study beyond GCSEs

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· Proficiency Certificate with 60%
· HAVO Diploma (Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs) with minimum 5/10
New Zealand
· National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level III
· Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) with 10/20

· WAEC Senior Secondary results, or GCE O level, or GCSE of SAEB, or NECO with at least five grades of credits or better.
· Vitnemеl fra den videregеende skolen (Certificate from Upper Secondary School) with minimum grades of 3/6

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· Thanawiya amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with 70%

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· Higher Secondary Certificate or Intermediate Certificate with 50% or Second Division standing (60% in required courses)
· Bachiller (Bachelor) with minimum 3/5
Papua New Guinea
· Higher School Certificate with 60%
· Bachiller (Bachelor) with minimum 3/5
· Bachiller (Bachelor) with minimum 10/20
· Minimum one year of study from a recognized university or High School Diploma
· Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Maturity Certificate) with 3/6
· Certificado de Fim de Estudos Secundбrias (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Studies) with 10/20

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· Thanawiya aam Qatari (Qatari General Secondary Education Certificate) with 60%.

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· Diploma de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) with 5/10
Russian Federation
· Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) with 3/5
· Certificat des Humanities Gйnйrales

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St. Kitts and Nevis
· CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
St. Lucia
CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
St. Martin/St. Maarten
· Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) with minimum 10/20
St. Pierre and Miquelon
· Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) with minimum 10/20
St. Vincent and The Grenadines
· CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
Saudi Arabia
· Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) with minimum 70%

· Scottish Certificate of Education at the Higher Level, or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” orbetter
· Baccalaurйat or Diplфme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degrй (Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) with 14/20
Serbia and Montenegro
· Diploma o Zavrљenoj Srednjoj Љkoli (Diploma of Completion of Secondary School)
· At least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better or one year of study beyond O levels
Sierra Leone
· WAEC Senior Secondary results, or GCE O level, or GCSE of SAEB, or NECO with at least five grades of C5 or better.
· Sijil am Pelajaran Singapure-Cambridge (Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education) with Ordinary and Advanced level grades of C5 or better
· Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skъљke (Maturity Certificate) with minimum grades of 2 (scale of 5-1)
· Maturiteno spricevalo (Maturity Examinations Certificate) with minimum 3/5
Solomon Islands
· At least two GCE A levels at grade “C” or better
· At least two GCE A levels at grade “C” or better
South Africa
· Senior Certificate with Matriculation Endorsement with minimum 70% or “B” average
· Tнtulo de Bachiller with minimum average of 6/10
Sri Lanka
· Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education Advanced Level or General Certificate of Education with at least two grades at “C” or better
· Cambridge Overseas School Certificate or GCE A levels with at least two grades at “C” or better
· CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
· Cambridge Overseas School Certificate or GCE A levels with at least two grades of “C/5” or better
· Slutbetyg Frеn Gymnasieskola (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with Vдl Godkдnd/VG (Pass with Distinction)
· Maturitдtszeugnis, Certificat de Maturite, or Attestato di Maturita (Maturity Certificate)
· Baccalaurйat or Al Shahada Al Thanawiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

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· Senior High School Leaving Certificate , Minimum 70% (B) average

· Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) with minimum 3/5
· National Tanzanian Examination results at Advanced Level or GCE A level results with at least two grades of “C” or better
· Matayom VI with minimum average of 2/4
· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) with minimum average of 10/20
Trinidad and Tobago
· CXC with minimum grades of 3 or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better (or one year of study beyond O levels)
· Baccalaurйat (Baccalaureate) with minimum average of 10/20
· Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State Secondary School Diploma) or Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Secondary School Completion Diploma) with minimum 3/5
· Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) with minimum 3/5
Turks and Caicos Islands
· CXC grades of 3 or better or at least two GCE A levels with grades of “C” or better

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· Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education, Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate or East African Advanced Certificate of Education with grades of “C” or better
· Attestat pro povnu zagal’nu seredno osbitu (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education) with minimum 3/5
United Arab Emirates
· Thanawiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with minimum 70%
United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
· GCE Advanced level with at least two grades of C or better
United States of America
· High School Diploma or GED. SAT or ACT may be submitted in lieu to GED. However, completion of high school is a condition for the acceptance of either SAT or ACT test.

· Bachiller or Bachillerato with minimum 6/12
· Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) with 3/5

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· Bachiller with minimum average of 10/20
· Bang Tфt Nghiкp Phф Thфng or Bang TuTai Hai (Baccalaureat II) with minimum average of 5/10

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· Thanawiya (General Secondary School Certificate) with minimum average of 70%  

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· Zambian School Certificate with at least five grades of “5” or better (including that for “English Language”)
· General Certificate of Education (GCE) with at least two A levels at grade “C” or better