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Nominees :- Unless the context indicates otherwise, under these regulations a Institute officer or the director of Examinations may act through his or her properly appointed nominee.

2.1 Attendance :- Failure to attend an examination without reasonable cause will result in the award of no marks for that examination. It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of the details of the examination timetable. If a student fails to attend as the result of illness, he or she should obtain a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner as soon as reasonably practicable, and submit it forthwith.

2.2 Entering the examination room :- No candidate may enter the examination room after the examination has been in progress for more than thirty minutes, without permission from the invigilator. If permission is given, the invigilator should investigate the circumstances at the end of the examination, and submit a report.

2.3 Leaving the examination room :- No candidate may leave the examination room within thirty minutes of the beginning of the examination, save in exceptional circumstances, and with the permission of the invigilator. In order to avoid disturbing other candidates, candidates may not leave the examination room during the last fifteen minutes of the examination, save in exceptional circumstances, and with the permission of the invigilator. If a student leaves an examination because of illness, he or she should obtain a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner as soon as reasonably practicable, and submit it forthwith.

2.4 Supervisedabsence :- No candidate may leave and return to the examination room during an examination unless supervised by an invigilator while absent.

2.5 Communication during the examination :- Unless an invigilator has given permission otherwise, during the course of the examination a candidate may communicate with no other person but the invigilator.

2.6 Permitted items and texts :- A candidate may take to his or her desk only those items and texts that are permitted for the examination. If dictionaries or calculators are permitted, these must be of the type specified. It is the responsibility of the candidate to establish which items and texts are permitted. Briefcases, bags, mobile phones, personal organisers and similar electronic devices must not be taken to the examination desk, but must be deposited elsewhere, as instructed by the invigilator.

2.7 Distracting behaviour:- Candidates may not smoke during an examination, nor behave in any way which is distracting to other candidates. A candidate who ignores a request from an invigilator not to behave disruptively may be required to leave the examination room. The candidate's examination scripts will be submitted as they were at the time when the candidate was required to leave. The invigilator will annotate the scripts with the time at which the candidate left.

2.8 Examination scripts :- It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that all his or her scripts are appropriately marked with an identifying name and number. No candidate may remove an examination script from the examination room. No candidate may remove any other examination materials without permission.

2.9 Cheating :-Cheating in an examination will be dealt with as a disciplinary offence under these regulations. In particular it is a disciplinary offence for a candidate to have unauthorised items or texts at his or her desk in the examination room during the examination or make use of unauthorised items or texts during the examination. Copy from the script of another candidate during the examination. Dishonestly receive help from another person during the examination or Dishonestly give help to another person during the examination. Act dishonestly in any way, whether before, during or after the examination, so as to obtain an unfair advantage in the examination or Act dishonestly in any way, whether before, during or after the examination, so as to assist another candidate to obtain an unfair advantage in the examination.

2.10 Suspicion of cheating during the examination :- Should a candidate be suspected of cheating during the examination, the invigilator will confiscate any unauthorised material, indicate on the candidate's script what has occurred, and remove the script. The candidate will then be given further examination books and permitted to complete the examination. The invigilator will seek an explanation from the candidate at the end of the examination, and submit a report.

2.11 Powers of the Director – Examinations :- The director - Examinations may at his / her sole discretion award the student lower marks than those which he or she would otherwise have been awarded, or award no marks, for the examination or assessed work, for the unit of which the examination or assessed work was part in which the student committed an offence or Award the student a lower class of degree or other academic award than that which he or she would otherwise have been awarded; or Exclude the student from the award of a degree or other academic award, which may be either permanent or for a stated period, and may be absolute or subject to compliance with stipulated requirements. This shall be deemed as final and binding on all students without recourse to any appeals.

2.12 Right to have degree conferred :- A student may not have a degree or other academic qualification conferred until all his or her outstanding examination or assessment appeals have been resolved. If the degree has been conferred, either in person or in absentia, no appeal will be considered.