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If you are age 18 or older, SAU vigorously protects your confidentiality.  It also requires or permits some exceptions, including the following:

• If SAU has cause to believe there is a probability of imminent physical injury to yourself or another person.

• If SAU has cause to believe that a child, elderly person, or disabled person is being abused, neglected, or exploited.

• If you report that you have been exploited sexually by a mental health provider.

• If we receive a court-ordered subpoena.

These (and other) exceptions to confidentiality are extremely rare.  If one should occur, and if possible, we will discuss with you any action under consideration.  We are not legally obligated to do so, however, especially if such a discussion would prevent us from securing your safety or the safety of others.

If you are under age 18, the law requires that we obtain permission from your parent or managing conservator / guardian.  You may be eligible for an exception, however.  Additionally, the law gives parents/guardians the right to see your record and talk to us without your permission even if you are exempt from parental consent.

Your records can be disclosed to others only with your written permission, except under the circumstances described above.