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It is the policy of the University to adhere to the final examination schedule as published in the Registration Handbook and Schedule of Courses each trimester. While it may be appropriate not to give a final in some cases, such as laboratory courses, seminars, and colloquia, final examinations are integral parts of the instructional program and should be given in all. Unless notified otherwise in writing during the first week of classes, students should assume that an examination will be given.

In addition to the principles stated above, the following guidelines should be followed by all faculty members and administrators in order to assure fairness and the best possible educational experience for students.

1. The final examination in a course should be given as scheduled and not at other times, even if the faculty member and all students in a course agree to such a change.

2. The week of classes preceding the scheduled final examination period should be used primarily for continued instruction and may include the introduction of new material. No hourly examinations are to be given during the seven days preceding the start of the examination period. However, lab practicums and seminar presentations may be scheduled in that week.

3. Individual students may be granted a variance from these policies, provided the instructor is satisfied that the exception is based on good and sufficient reasons, and that such an exception for an early or late examination will not prejudice the interests of other students in the course.

4. When students have three or more final examinations on the same day, they are entitled to arrange an alternative examination time for the last exam or exams scheduled on that day. When students have two final exams scheduled to meet at the same time, they are entitled to arrange an alternative examination time for the later course offered that day or week. Such arrangements must be made no later than the end of the sixth week of the trimester. Students are expected to provide evidence of these situations to qualify for exceptions.

5. This policy applies to all students. Exemptions are inappropriate on both procedural and academic grounds.

6. All final exams are to be given during the regular final examination period, and no final exam may exceed 3 hours in length.

7. No student will be required to take more than 3 final exams in one day, or more than 4 final exams in two consecutive days.

8. Students with conflicts must make arrangements with the instructors involved; if accommodation is not reached, the student may seek assistance from his/her department chair, director or designee.

9. A student who fails to take a final examination may be marked as failed if he or she has not made alternative arrangements with the instructor. A make-up examination, if required, shall be held at the instructor's convenience.