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No credits are available for work experience or life experience
New students may receive experiential credit for pilot certificates, previous training, life or work experience obtained prior to beginning our degree program, provided it is approved by the local government recognized / accredited by a government body university .

The price for experiential credit is $15.00 per course and $5.00 per credit. For example, for a 3 credit course, the experiential credit fee would be

1 course @ $15.00


3 credits @ $5.00/credit


Total experiential credit fee for a 3 credit course


The experiential credit fee cannot be paid until the request has been processed and the necessary documentation or certificates have been verified.

Experiential credit is posted to the student's transcript after associated fees have been paid and the request has been processed. When experiential credit is granted for a course, it will be assigned "CR" (credit) as the final grade.

For more details click here Transfer credit Policy